Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Back to Old Times??...hmmm

This sunday, RTB is holding a walk-in interview for DJ and NewsCaster...hmmm...i get so itchy when i know i can almost be there to be a part of the team again..but then again, i don know...i might not get it.. i might be getting it. It all depends.

I have talked with my hubby about this and he, being the supportive type...jus say 'baik tah datang pagi..' Che~....CAM BANAR..thnking of SUNDAY..arrgghh..i have a teaching session morning nya i guess i have to come after lunch break then.

wat to do......wat to do.....(DJ Izan's tagline..kehkehkeh..) here, at my desk..with so many paperworks to attend to but i will manage.
My boss will not be back, not until i have ample time to sort out my files and any other matters. che~..

Ntah ah...feel like eating jua...hmmm...kan ikut kan nafsu ani..kan makan..kan ikutkan diet ani...hmmm...naaaaahhh... i gues just keep the thought.

p/s : Yan, bah....hehehe...jaaadiiii....hahahhaa...kau alum belanja...nda sah..kemarin si bal blanja...buuuyyyuukk..
tumpi eh...hahahahhaa

k lah..ciao..adios....kapish...vavavoom...

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