Saturday, June 28, 2008

ada orang bdayyyyy....hehe

today seemed laaah...hmmm...buing eh...
lagipun my boss is already in the office...nyehhh...was hoping for a bit of relaxation.

well, talk about my day, started off by going to the MAIN hospital for my apptment on radiology. Alhamdulilah, everything turns ok so far, all is well apart from some isolated thundershowers..ehhhh..apakan...ani ramalan cuaca ni..hahahhaa... was ooookkaaaayy....nothing alien found inside

finished by 8.45am and on the way to office, there was a jam near the edinburgh, gues wat....trafic lights was not working!!!...damn @$%^%&*#...atuuuuu...antam saja kereta2 atu...wat im afraid is to be involved in an accident since the cars all went havoc witout the traffic lights on..iatah...arrrgghhhhh...mari malas

saw there goes one boring story hahahaa...
someting amiss...i just knew it.. i felt something missing. not the usual day..hmmmm

tonight will be busy...busy....baik jua udah ada birthday present.
oh yea...tonight ada birthday celebration for rawiy and rafiy..

ehem..ehem...ok to my 2 nephews - rawiy and rafiy
Ngangah sekeluarga doakan kamu berdua sihat walafiat dengan seisi keluarga and be good to ur parents, jangan gauk2..dangar cakap babu kamu...bah..krg malam tani jumpa ah....xoxo

ok then...i need to go hom now i guess.. cos there isn't anyting left for me here..hmmmmm...isshhhh...

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